home recording basics

Video Instruction Series: All About Mic Placement for Home Recording

There are many types of microphones, but the most popular type for recording acoustic guitar is the cardioid condenser mic. Inexpensive models such as the Audio-Technica AT2020 or AT2021 start at under $100. If your budget allows, consider popular models like the Shure SM81 or Neumann KM 184. High-end mics…


a row of musicians

A Guitarist’s Guide to the Benefits of Single-Miking

In an era of in-your-face beats and cage-rattling bass drops, when even nominally acoustic performers often stand behind banks of pedals, it’s hard to overstate how radically different it feels to perform with a single microphone. There’s no line of stands, no mess of cables, no DIs, no monitors. Rather…


pick and guitar fretboard

Why Won’t My Guitar Stay in Tune?

Q: About six months ago, I bought a Gibson Hummingbird from the 1990s. Even though it was a little beaten up by the previous owner, it’s a solid guitar. It initially was a little fussy about staying in tune, but lately it’s gotten worse, and it’s particularly frustrating onstage. Why…