Andrew DuBrock

Andrew DuBrock

Singer-songwriter Andrew DuBrock was the music editor for Acoustic Guitar from 1999 to 2007 and wrote the popular book + video guide Acoustic Rock Basics.



Andrew DuBrock with guitar

Add Fingerpicking Fills to Melody Lines

The goal of good fingerpicking accompaniment is to support the song you’re playing the best you can. Short fills between vocal lines, like the one in Example 9, can be a nice contrast to straight pattern picking.
Play Leads with Major Scales

Play Leads with Major Scales

Like pentatonic scales, the patterns that make up major and minor scales can be found and repeated all over the fretboard.


Learn the Bo Diddley Beat

Learn the Bo Diddley Beat

The so-called Bo Diddley beat, shown in Example 5a may seem difficult at first, but if you break the beat down into a 16th-note subdivision, you’ll find a 3–3–2 pattern in the first half of the measure that may help you get a handle on it.
Borrow Chords from Related Keys

Borrow Chords from Related Keys

Finding a chord progression’s parallel major or minor key is easy: simply take the letter name of the original key and then flip it to major or minor.


Andrew DuBrock with guitar


A cousin of alternating-bass fingerpicking, monotonic-bass fingerpicking keeps your thumb on the same bass note, instead of alternating between two or three notes.




Andrew DuBrock with guitar

Laid-Back Modern Rock Groove

Some modern rock and pop tunes get a boost by injecting a laid-back groove with a 16th-note swing feel. Example 7a shows one common syncopated groove you can get with this feel, and Example 7b shows how you might embellish it to sound similar to Train’s hit “Drops of Jupiter.”


closeup of hands playing an acoustic guitar

Play Scratch Rhythms on the Backbeat

A great way to add a percussive pop to your rhythm patterns is to play scratch rhythms on beats two and four of each measure, simulating the sound of a backbeat snare drum.