Comments on: Do Pickguards Impact Guitar Tone? lessons, music to play, and how-tos for all guitarists Mon, 12 Jun 2023 00:24:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Farmer Mullins Mon, 12 Jun 2023 00:24:50 +0000 I have an ltd with a cut out with no pick guard.should I put one on it, it’s a great sounding guitar.

By: Everett Bonds Wed, 07 Jun 2023 13:51:08 +0000 I had a crack on a Fender Villager dead center in the back face. I don’t believe it had anything do do with the pick guitars. Just a crappy made guitar. I think the thick clear lawyer was so thick there was no way that top or back could vibrate at all. I took that ugly pick off and installed a black Martinique guard, which improved its looks but not its sound. Personally, I don’t think a pick guard makes any difference one way or the other. It is how the guitar is built. My first Martin, D-41, was a cannon and (2009) had a thick pickguard. My second (D-41) 2019 and had a thin pickguard and well, it’s there. Maybe it’ll open up in the next ten years? My first I gave to my nephew because the neck was just too small (1 11/16). Pickguards have little to do with sound production, in my humble view.
