These articles originally appeared in the January-February 2020 issue of Acoustic Guitar magazine.






Guitar maker Roger Bucknall

Guitar Talk: UK Guitar Maker Roger Bucknall of Fylde Guitars

Roger Bucknall built his first guitar around 1959 and started taking his craft seriously around 1973 in a small shop on the northwest coast of England, in Fylde, Lancashire. There were very few guitar builders in that country at the time, but Bucknall helped spearhead the fine art of guitar…

James Taylor Fire and Rain

Acoustic Classic: James Taylor’s ‘Fire and Rain’

It’s been 50 years since James Taylor released what would prove to be one of the most enduring ballads in the folk-pop realm—and, according to recent surveys, an overwhelming favorite of AG readers. “Fire and Rain” is a rather heavy song. Its three verses refer obliquely to a friend who…