12 Tips for Learning Songs from Recordings
Sean McGowan holds his guitar upright
Health, Wellness, and Injury Prevention for Guitarists

Support Acoustic Guitar at the $9/month level or higher and you’ll get a bevy of bonuses, including our Patreon-exclusive ebook, Become a Better Musician.

These lessons explore what it means to be a more musical guitar player—including how to practice, learn, and have a healthy relationship with the guitar. You’ll find tips for developing your ear, playing with others, warming up, reading music, performing, and more of the foundational skills that will help you become a better and more confident musician.

someone looking through an iphone

How to Evaluate Your Own Playing

From books to magazines, YouTube videos to DVDs, there are no shortages of readily available materials to keep the self-taught guitarist occupied for several lifetimes. However, there are important areas that can be overlooked, such as technique and practice routines, by using those sources. Without the observance of a teacher,…


Stage & Studio: How to Deal with Stress, Injuries & Burnout

By Ken Micallef Every veteran musician tells war stories about facing the ominous wall of burnout and coming through it wounded, but wiser. Burnout as a destructive musical force can appear in a variety of guises. It can be simple repetitive stress syndrome, an inability to progress on an instrument…


Gabriella Quevedo with her guitar

Reignite Your Love for Guitar: 6 Ways to Bust Out of Your Rut

From the October 2016 issue of Acoustic Guitar | BY PAULINE FRANCE If you’re past the honeymoon phase with your guitar, chances are you’ve experienced a love-hate relationship with it at some point—and that’s OK. Maybe you’re frustrated because you can’t learn fast enough, or perhaps you’re just bored with playing the…