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Special Focus: How to Practice

Book cover for Dynamic Guitar: More Tools to Go Beyond Strumming
Make chord progressions more distinctive and get outside the box of strumming block chords.
how to develop a guitar warm-up routine video still
Stay Loose and Avoid Injury by Developing a Guitar Warm-Up Routine
man playing acoustic guitar, the learning zone
12 Ways to Challenge Yourself on Guitar

Editor's Picks

Adam Perlmutter is the editor of Acoustic Guitar magazine and has written hundreds of articles, reviews, and song introductions (as well as expertly engraving and transcribing the music for a comparable number of lessons and compositions.)

It’s impossible to choose favorites, but here are a few lessons he’s worked on recently and suggests you check out.

Get to know Adam and the rest of the team better here.

How to Warm Up Smartly
How to approach narrative solo guitar composition
Learn fretboard exercises to play beautiful, dreamlike augmented arpeggios.
Molly Tuttle smiling with her guitar on a white wall background
Molly Tuttle Breaks Down Her Technique

Explore Our Guitar Lessons by Style, Technique, or Topic

All Lessons and Songs to Play

closeup of hands playing an acoustic guitar

A Classic Blues Rhythm Pattern

Blues and rock are two styles that are heavily intertwined, and the rhythm pattern in Example 3 instills more of a bluesy sound into your rhythm simply because it’s a common rhythm pattern in blues tunes.




Andrew DuBrock with guitar

Play Leads with Major Scales

If you’ve explored my Acoustic Rock Basics lesson “Soloing with Pentatonic Scales,” you’ll notice that the major scale encompasses the major pentatonic and adds two more notes: the fourth and seventh of the key.





Bluegrass Bass Runs

Posted by Scott Nygaard After you’ve settled into the basic bluegrass and country boom-chuck rhythm pattern, you’re bound to start looking for something else to do with your fingers to help embellish different parts of a song. One easy way to do this is to add bass runs between chords.…


About Acoustic Guitar lessons. Learning to play the guitar takes more than just figuring out what fingers go on which frets and which strings to pluck or pick. You need to absorb these mechanics, for sure, but you also need to know how different techniques fit together and how you can put them to use in service of making music with soul and spirit. Memorizing your favorite players’ licks and arrangements is an essential part of the process, too, but all that work doesn’t truly pay off until you’ve internalized the moves and made them your own. The players and teachers whose words and music are shared on this site understand these facets of learning and offer unique, in-depth lessons. Here, you’ll find riffs and exercises, full songs to play, technique tips, listening suggestions, and advice on how to practice as well as what to practice. We’ve been publishing high-quality guitar lessons since 1990, written and developed by some of the best guitar teachers around.