When flying with guitars, it’s important to think outside the case. Even with careful preparation, there are many potential dangers that lurk throughout the process.
Metheny manages to capture the wistful vibe of this Beatles classic while casting it in a bossa nova–inspired setting and updating it with his intricate sense of harmony and phrasing.
DiFranco sits down with Peter Mulvey to discuss her new record, writing, touring, her love of tenor and rubber bridge guitars, and the meaning of the term “umwelt.”
We’ll examine the techniques and approaches that made the acoustic guitar an essential component of the swing era, while tracing its journey through the big band era and its lasting impact on jazz.
The Emperor pictured here was made in late 1949, and has a carved spruce top, carved maple back, and extensive inlay work befitting such a fancy guitar.
My instrumental arrangement of “Idumea” was originally conceived for clawhammer banjo, but here I’ve translated it to guitar with an alternating bass pattern.
The Takamine FT340 BS is a versatile axe for the gigging acoustic guitarist who needs a consistent sound at a variety of volumes in a variety of venues.
Maya de Vitry discuses her formative musical years, her deep rhythmic relationship with the acoustic guitar, and her love of instruments that don’t feel delicate.