Comments on: Remembering Folk Legend and Educator Happy Traum, 1938-2024 lessons, music to play, and how-tos for all guitarists Wed, 06 Nov 2024 08:32:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dick Weissman Wed, 06 Nov 2024 08:32:35 +0000 In reply to Bill Nedela.

It is man years since I played music with Happy Traum. I am originally from Philadelphia, and he was one of the first musicians I met and played music with in New York City. I have many memories of him, including doing a couple of very early concerts in New York and Philly
when we were starting our careers as professional musicians. Happy had a very friendly and generous spirit, and much later I would see him and Jane at the NAMM show in LA, where they were exhibitors. Everyone who was on the folk scene in any way in New York City (and seemingly everywhere) knew and liked Happy because of his open heart and friendly spirit. Our lives moved in different geographic directions, but I remember his positive spirit and how important Homespun Tapes was to so many musicians.

By: Jon Rotholz Fri, 01 Nov 2024 21:22:13 +0000 I took maybe 6 or 8 guitar lessons with Happy, at first in his apartment on W. 78th St., later downtown at Fretted Instruments next door to the Folklore Center on Sixth Avenue in the Village. He was a sweet and patient teacher (I was not a very good student) and I can remember and play almost every song he taught me to this day.

By: Bill Nedela Fri, 01 Nov 2024 16:46:56 +0000 I never met Happy nor attended one of his concerts but I own a stack of Homespun CDs & DVDs I cherish. The one I love most was Happy & John Sebastian playing John Hurt’s songs and giving tips as well as sharing stories. It was clear that both of them had a tremendous reverence for John Hurt’s music and the man himself. I’ve watched it many times and I forget to think about it as a “how-to” but more a lesson of true admiration of music is worth to us if we stop and listen deeply to what is really going on. I was fortunate enough to see John Sebastian a few years back in Florida and waited at the end of the line to hopefully get a few moments with him. I mentioned the love of the DVD and thanked him for showing his affection to the man and the music. I asked him to tell Happy the same thing. I’m sure they have heard it 100s of times. Thanks to all the contributors here, wonderful to read the accounts. Best to all of you.
