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Our pledge: To keep publishing original stories and videos at for the 2+ million people who visit every year.
Our goal: To get pledge commitments from just 1% of our website visitors. That’s where you come in.
Our request: To support our work with a pledge of as little as $1 per month.
By pledging as little as $1 per month, you’ll support the work of all the talented musicians and music journalists who put their hearts and minds into bringing the world of acoustic music to you every day of the year. Plus, you’ll receive some extra special perks immediately upon joining.
Publishing takes time – research, writing, editing, shooting video, more editing – and resources – servers, hosting, security, distribution. The costs of operating this site go up year after year.
As of today, we are 9% of the way towards our goal. Please make a contribution now to close the gap and ensure the future of
Acoustic Guitar has been online since 1995. Over two and a half decades, we have given students and musicians an amazing, ever-growing catalog of thousands of lessons, songs to play, artist profiles, gear reviews and demos, and much more. We wouldn’t be here without the support of readers, streamers, followers, commenters, and sharers like you. Thanks for being part of this community!
We plan to continue posting the original, high-quality stories, lessons, profiles, gear reviews, demos, and videos you expect from us for many more years to come. To do that, we need your help.
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Sustaining Subscribers are true guitar heroes. Simply put, these are readers who understand today’s economic challenges of publishing print magazines and are doing their part to keep Acoustic Guitar magazine healthy and viable. We list their names in every issue in thanks for their extra contributions. Click here to sign up and add your name to the list.
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We publish a bi-monthly magazine and a large catalog of instructional books and videos. For our standard subscription offer, please click here. And to explore our complete guides, featuring songs and instruction from master teachers, click here.
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For as little as $1 per month, you’ll keep healthy and support the work of all the talented musicians and music journalists who put their hearts and minds into bringing the world of acoustic music to you every day of the year. Click here to see the list of our generous patrons and here to join them.
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