Blues guitarist Jontavious Willis
Learn Jontavious Willis’ Take on “Poor Boy, Long Ways from Home”
Marisa Anderson
6 Guitarists Who Play Bottleneck Style in Fresh and Unexpected Ways

What is slide guitar? It’s one of the great sounds of American roots music. Putting bottleneck to strings may be one of the most evocative and expressive ways to coax sound from an acoustic guitar.



guitar slides

Video Lesson: How to Play Bottleneck in a Range of Styles

Slide/bottleneck guitar can evoke flavors ethereal and lyrical or aggressive and bombastic. From Santo & Johnny’s “Sleepwalk” to Elmore James’ “Dust My Broom” and on to Debashish Bhattacharya’s Indian slide musings, this approach delivers a wide spectrum of sounds, emotions, and cultural touchstones.