a row of guitars hanging in a shop

How to Shop for a Used Guitar

Even with a repair or two to consider, you still stand to get more for your money when shopping used or vintage. And of course, you can’t reproduce the mojo of a cool old guitar.




home recording tracking and editing

Tracking and Editing Your Acoustic Guitar—Home Recording Part 3/3

When you are confident that you’re capturing a good sound, you’re ready to record. There are many ways to approach the actual recording, depending on the type of music. If you’re overdubbing or playing to a click track, you will need to use headphones. Experiment with levels until you feel…


Home recording studio

How to Set Up Your Home Studio—Home Recording, Part 1/3

Not too long ago, you had to book time in a professional studio if you wanted to make a professional-sounding recording. But today, modest-priced gear is capable of producing recordings that are indistinguishable from their commercial big-budget equivalents. The biggest obstacle to making top-notch recordings at home is no longer…